Notable Alumni
Lerone Bennett Jr. ’49 Fmr Ex Editor, Ebony Magazine
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. ’68U.S. Congressman (Georgia)
Patrick D. Brown ‘82 Pastor, Faith United Methodist Church
Calvin O. Butts III ’72 Pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church
Julius Coles ’64 Fmr Ambassador to Senegal
Samuel Dubois Cook ’48 Fmr Mbr, Nat’l Council on Humanities
James W. Compton ’61 Fmr Pr, Chicago Urban League
L. Tyrone Crider ‘81 Pastor, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Julian M. DeShazier ‘05 Pastor, University Church
Ken Dunkin ‘90 IL State Rep, 5th Dist
Ralph B. Everett, Esq. ’73Pr & CEO, Ctr Political and Eco Studies
Gary Foster ’85 Pastor, Pullman Christian Church
Robert Michael Franklin ’75 Pr, Morehouse College
Hugh M. Gloster Sr. ’31Pr Emeritus, Morehouse, 1967–1987
D. Darrell Griffin ’87 Pastor, Oakdale Covenant Church
George W. Haley ’49 U.S. Ambassador to Gambia
Earl F. Hilliard ’64 U.S. Congressman (Alabama)
Andrew D. Hunt, Jr. ’94 Pastor, Transformations Church
Darrell L. Jackson ‘75 Pastor, Liberty Baptist Church
Maynard H. Jackson ’56*1st African-American mayor of Atlanta
Samuel L. Jackson ’72Academy Award nominee, stage and film
Howard E. Jeter ’70 U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria
Jeh Johnson ’79Fmr General Counsel, US Air Force
Mordecai Johnson ’11*1st African American Pr, Howard U.
Robert E. Johnson ’48 Fmr Ex Ed & Ass Publisher, JET Mag
Leroy Keith Jr. ’61 Fmr Pr, Morehouse
Martin Luther King Jr. ’48*Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Shelton “Spike” Lee ’79 Filmmaker
Reginald C. Lindsay ’67 U.S. Federal Judge, Mass.
Michael L. Lomax ’68 Pr, Dillard University
Robert L. Mallett ’79 Fmr Dep Sec, U.S. Dept of Comm.
Walter E. Massey ’58 Fmr Pr, Morehouse
Edwin C. Moses ’78 Olympic gold medalist
Otis Moss Jr. ’56Fmr Chrmn, Morehouse Bd of Tr
Otis Moss, III ‘92 Pastor, Trinity UCC
James M. Nabrit ’23*Fmr U.S. Ambassador to the UN
Samuel M. Nabrit ’251st African American Ph.D. Brown U.
Bill G. Nunn III ’76 stage and film actor
Allen Page III ‘86 Pastor, Carter Temple CME Church
Major R. Owens ’56 Ret U.S. Congressman (New York)
David Satcher ’63 Fmr U.S. Surgeon General
Louis W. Sullivan ’54 Fmr U.S. Secy, HHS
Andre M. Thapedi ‘92 IL State Rep, 32nd Dist
Howard Thurman ’23 *Theologian and author
Arthur L. Turner II‘05 IL State Rep, 9th Dist
Lerone Bennett Jr. ’49 Fmr Ex Editor, Ebony Magazine
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. ’68U.S. Congressman (Georgia)
Patrick D. Brown ‘82 Pastor, Faith United Methodist Church
Calvin O. Butts III ’72 Pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church
Julius Coles ’64 Fmr Ambassador to Senegal
Samuel Dubois Cook ’48 Fmr Mbr, Nat’l Council on Humanities
James W. Compton ’61 Fmr Pr, Chicago Urban League
L. Tyrone Crider ‘81 Pastor, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Julian M. DeShazier ‘05 Pastor, University Church
Ken Dunkin ‘90 IL State Rep, 5th Dist
Ralph B. Everett, Esq. ’73Pr & CEO, Ctr Political and Eco Studies
Gary Foster ’85 Pastor, Pullman Christian Church
Robert Michael Franklin ’75 Pr, Morehouse College
Hugh M. Gloster Sr. ’31Pr Emeritus, Morehouse, 1967–1987
D. Darrell Griffin ’87 Pastor, Oakdale Covenant Church
George W. Haley ’49 U.S. Ambassador to Gambia
Earl F. Hilliard ’64 U.S. Congressman (Alabama)
Andrew D. Hunt, Jr. ’94 Pastor, Transformations Church
Darrell L. Jackson ‘75 Pastor, Liberty Baptist Church
Maynard H. Jackson ’56*1st African-American mayor of Atlanta
Samuel L. Jackson ’72Academy Award nominee, stage and film
Howard E. Jeter ’70 U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria
Jeh Johnson ’79Fmr General Counsel, US Air Force
Mordecai Johnson ’11*1st African American Pr, Howard U.
Robert E. Johnson ’48 Fmr Ex Ed & Ass Publisher, JET Mag
Leroy Keith Jr. ’61 Fmr Pr, Morehouse
Martin Luther King Jr. ’48*Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Shelton “Spike” Lee ’79 Filmmaker
Reginald C. Lindsay ’67 U.S. Federal Judge, Mass.
Michael L. Lomax ’68 Pr, Dillard University
Robert L. Mallett ’79 Fmr Dep Sec, U.S. Dept of Comm.
Walter E. Massey ’58 Fmr Pr, Morehouse
Edwin C. Moses ’78 Olympic gold medalist
Otis Moss Jr. ’56Fmr Chrmn, Morehouse Bd of Tr
Otis Moss, III ‘92 Pastor, Trinity UCC
James M. Nabrit ’23*Fmr U.S. Ambassador to the UN
Samuel M. Nabrit ’251st African American Ph.D. Brown U.
Bill G. Nunn III ’76 stage and film actor
Allen Page III ‘86 Pastor, Carter Temple CME Church
Major R. Owens ’56 Ret U.S. Congressman (New York)
David Satcher ’63 Fmr U.S. Surgeon General
Louis W. Sullivan ’54 Fmr U.S. Secy, HHS
Andre M. Thapedi ‘92 IL State Rep, 32nd Dist
Howard Thurman ’23 *Theologian and author
Arthur L. Turner II‘05 IL State Rep, 9th Dist